English Transcription
Striving for Sustainable Capitalism
Hello everyone, this is Ishii, the representative of Chiara Inc. I guess it started last month or so. We have been conducting research on mathematics under the banner of the Financial Engineering Research Group. We eventually became a financial engineering group, but today I would like to talk about our research. Today, I have a colleague from the same university who responded to my post on the player media. I would like to have a discussion with him about the problems in the economy as well as his thoughts on how to rewrite the economy to sustain the earth for a long time. I think you have a sense of various issues. I am sure you are planning your next start-up project, so I would be very interested in talking with you. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you very much. Yes, thank you very much.
Yes, I am interested in what you have been working on. I would like you to briefly introduce what you have been doing and what you are trying to do.
Yes, I would like to start with a brief self-introduction. My name is Kenta Nakamura. Basically, I have been in the marketing field for a long time. I started out as a new graduate doing a little bit of corporate planning, but since then I have been working as a freelance marketer, and my last job was as a board member of a digital marketing support company called Principle Co. I felt a sense of the challenges of capitalism. Well, we were all on the management team of the previous company, so we had to think about how to set profit targets for the next fiscal year. We were all thinking about how to set the profit target for the next fiscal year, and sometimes it worked out well and sometimes it didn’t, and if it didn’t, everyone from the management team to the members were in pain. So, while we say that we aim to create a company where everyone is happy, we are driven by profits, and we wonder what the point of this is. After all, profit is the investor’s profit. The company’s retained earnings, the company’s market capitalization, and the direct benefits of those profits are basically obtained in the form of shareholdings. In this context, the capitalist market, which is a capitalist society, is a paradigm of investors, and the power of KPI is at the center of the investor paradigm. On the other hand, I wonder if there is a direct link between economic growth and the happiness of the society, and if it is a better society. However, there is a direct link between economic growth and the happiness of the society. In the past, when the economy grew directly, the number of happy people increased linearly. Many people were not able to say that such various things were directly linked to people’s happiness. I think it was the best solution of the time. Well, even now, of course, there are still problems like starvation and so on. However, at least in Japan, if GDP grows in other parts of the world, it will include Japan and the rest of the world. I am not sure if they are happy or not. I wonder if we are in this phase. I think we are in this phase. Well, we are in the process of launching a start-up business to solve the issues.
Thank you very much. Your direction is quite right, and I have my own doubts, too. Well, in my case, it would be rude to say that I just happened to be at a time when I wanted to create a mathematics research group and some kind of product. Well, economic data was quite easy to obtain, so I decided to use it as the basis for something. Well, when you want to use a model for something, you need to make a prediction of the market once, but it is generally said that it is very difficult to do so, and there are many modeling tools around. I’m just trying to get used to the idea that it would be nice to have something like a potentiometer, but it’s exactly as you said. How should I put it? I like to look up classical music, and if it’s music, I might wonder what a buffer is, or if it’s mathematics, I might read Newton’s Prince, or Principia, or Feynman, or DARWIN. I think the origin is pretty important, and I think it’s the East India Company. I think it probably comes from the idea that if you go to get spices, you have to go all the way to Africa, like Johnny Depp’s Pirates of the Caribbean, and since many people die, it is not so easy for a high-risk challenger to take a risk on his own. I think it comes from a place where the high risk challengers are not so tight that they can’t take the risk themselves because many of them will die. Well, I think it’s coming from a place where it worked out well. I think that in itself is a very complete and wonderful story, but what do you think?
Ah yes. I really agree with you. I often talk about the same thing, so I think that the relationship between money and money is based on the rules of a so-called capitalist joint-stock company, and the rules themselves have changed somewhat over time, and some countries use them differently. However, money is not everything. In a broad sense, we are stakeholders, but with responsibility. People are social creatures, so if we only care about money, food, or safety, then that is not enough. In the old days, the stock company was a way for people to interact with each other. Well, I guess you could call them “comrades”. I think the motive was to get a shot in the arm. But, I guess we are all in the same boat, on the same bus, taking the same risks. Well, we take risks together, and when we succeed, we rejoice together. I don’t know how to put it. I think there are other benefits to the person who is a human being, other than money, that come through the box of a joint stock company. There are such things as well.
Yes, that’s what I was talking about. Wait a minute, please. I was just wondering how I should organize it now.
MachikoThank you very much.
I’ll be right back. Please wait a minute. I use this as if it were graph paper, so I only need to look at the graph paper.
Yes, I can see it.
In my mind, I think it would be better to separate the black from the pitch-black. I’m talking about the blue bill. I wonder if this is the same thing as before. I think everyone talks about microeconomics, but when we talk about the monetary economy itself or capitalism, the issue is so big that I don’t understand why we should challenge the World Bank, but the NASDAQ is huge, so if you think about it, it’s a changer. But when you consider that NASDAQ is huge, and you think “blue micro” is attached to it, it’s a changer. In that sense, the blockchain has an interesting aspect, as it is a story in which you can create your own nation. But of course, there are other things besides blockchain, too.
I think there are other things to experiment with here.
I think that what you want to experiment with can be a good testing ground for the problems you are facing, not to break something or fight against something, but to do the opposite of what I like to think of mathematics, or to do something that would be considered ridiculous, like “what are you going to do with such a mommy’s business? I think that’s what I’m trying to do. I think it would be better to imagine it as a kind of experimental farm, a place to realize the dissatisfaction of the past and to make experiments. I wonder if it would be a good idea to imagine such an experimental farm. Robots farming freely in Hokkaido. I wonder if it would be good to make an economic version of what it would be like if it were over.
Yes, so it is. That’s interesting.
I wonder what I really want to do. So I imagine a tiny plastic greenhouse, and wonder what it would be like there. It’s like trying to play economics or capitalism.
I think it’s like playing economics, or capitalism.
I’m trying to fix something that has been frustrating me. What do you think about that? You know, like, “Let’s make one store.
Yes, that’s right. One of the major themes that I am trying to address in my own classes is that we are a society that has been maximizing the monetary value and the GDP economic value of the things that can be converted into cash. On the other hand, the maximization of money is not the purpose of people, but it is a proposition that people should be happy. So, I wonder what would happen if we include this aspect in capitalism. So, I am wondering if it is possible to do this through mathematics, and I am now thinking about the utility of happiness that a single coin can bring to people. For example, let’s say we create several personas of human players, such as investors and workers, and then create a paradigm for each persona. Well, rich people. In the end, money is used to buy necessities of life, and as Mr. Ishi wrote in the guitar section, it is also used to enrich one’s life. If you spend more than that, you have no use for it, so it becomes a world where you have to ask for help, or you have to pay a lot of money. So, in the midst of all this, I wonder what utility each café can bring to people depending on its purpose. What is the best way to put it? What is the most important thing? Not in terms of absolute monetary value, but in terms of the joy of being the best in the world. In the world. Well, if you look at the top 100 people in Japan, for example, there is no one richer than you, or there is another kind of value. Or, there is the other thing. In the middle of that, there is the percentage effect of a 10% increase in money, or a 2-fold increase in money. When you think about it, I think there is such a thing as happiness with an annual income of about 8 million yen, and when you think about it, I think that today’s society with a declining birthrate is basically a corporate-based society where money is concentrated on those who have a lot of surplus funds. In the end, corporations can’t spend money. After all, corporations cannot spend money, so when you consider that it is the people who are receiving the benefits, the money is being collected by the investors. But the utility that investors get is not that great. The investor should make an effective investment and the corporation is good. The fact that it solves a good problem for society and generates a profit is in itself a good thing. I think it is optimized for today’s products. So, even if we assume that the function is very valuable and important, it is still important. But if we look at it in terms of the parameters of utility received by the individual, it is a very wasteful thing to do. I think the optimal solution is somewhere in the middle of the two. Society. If we talk about complete equality in a socialist way, well, the economy won’t turn around. Well, the economy will not turn. However, if we optimize only the economy, we will find that the economy has brought about the maximum utility of the corporation to people. The number of happy people is likely to increase due to the imbalance in how to maximize the utility of social values to people. In this context, I think that the bottom is already in the world of data mathematics.
That’s right. Well, machine learning involves probability theory, and the probability process is not a snapshot of probability, but rather a process that asks when is the best time to leave your seat at a casino. It started as an exchange of letters between French mathematicians. I think it was Laplace or Bernoulli or something like that, and they would get rich playing poker. How can I make money playing roulette? I think there is a way to get data. There is an interesting fact, which I think is called the law of impression, not probability proof, that people with strong capital tend to win. You can’t say that they will definitely win, and there are times when they hit a grand slam homerun. But in a casino, if a person with 100 million yen and a person with 100,000,000 yen are in some kind of adversarial relationship, the person with 100 million yen will usually win. Unfortunately, there is such a thing, and since I joined a general trading company, I felt that it was possible to roll over money and make a profit based on yield. So, if you turn a billion yen, you can make 80 million yen and make a profit. If you had the capital, you could do something like that. If that is a story of inequality, I think it is the ultimate challenge to the laws discovered by Bernoulli and his colleagues in mathematics. So, if anything, I think the bad guys are not the capitalists. If you think of it as a casino like phenomenon, I think it is rather easy to understand. Another interesting thing is that I happened to be researching cryptocurrencies, and I found out about it. There is such a thing as Shinbi, which is a stock market for stocks and other currencies. Cryptocurrencies.
Yes, and recently there’s also the “shoe-in” business, which seems interesting and attracts speculative money, but in the end it has to do with the volume of exchange on the IT exchanges.
It’s like the same time, so I guess it’s like adding euros to the equation. There is a place like Apple, which is a very interesting phenomenon because it is like a child between the two and the heat laws and regulations have not progressed very much yet. I think there are things that are being done that cannot be done on the NASDAQ or other exchanges. I don’t think Krypton is the final answer, but it is the opposite of what we are talking about when we talk about real money. The sound of something too heavy like krypton is quite interesting in comparison. The behavior is interesting. Yes, it’s very interesting, but I don’t mean the contradiction you just mentioned. I don’t mean to short-circuit the issue of creating tokens and not listing them on a stock exchange. But I think that the ideal currency is something that expands and contracts like topology. In a world like rubber, value is happiness, so it can expand and contract depending on the person. So, maybe we should build some kind of village where people don’t spend money.
I think so. I think that’s one approach, but I don’t know. So, yes. Even if there is a heart there, I don’t think it would really move society in that direction.
Well, that’s OK. It’s okay to think about it without that kind of changer.
So, I’m going to talk about the business side, but the psychology of capitalism is not so much capitalism as it is the principle of competition, in which the strong get the resources they cannot afford. The principle of competition and the principle of mutual aid. The competition principle itself is a primitive physical law of dynamics. It is not physics, but it is not necessary to deny it. Well, that paradigm and the subsequent paradigm of survival of all people in the social building. Well, how about the elements as Mr. Ishii mentioned earlier? The rich are not to blame, but the system is fundamentally bad, and if the rich act according to their desires, rather than relying on the philanthropy of rich investors to design the system, then society can be optimized. I think it is possible to create such a system. People do not want money after all; they want happiness, and when it comes to what makes people happy, I think that the desire for approval is a major factor in their lives, and the desire for approval can take the form of art, self-realization, and other possibilities. Well, of course there is a definition of the need for approval, but it is above something that is approval-oriented, or art, or the truth of mathematics, or something like that, but you say it is to be approved by something right. If we go by this, there is a part of money capitalism today that doesn’t provide so much happiness to those who say that is what it means, so what is more there? For example. For example, gamification of happiness for the society, or investment version of “Horse Girl’s Net” could be a possibility. I think this could be designed as a system. I see.
I see. In this context, I think it would be good to talk about the selection process in a way that is close to what you have been talking about.
Let’s see… classes.
What did you study?
I was not that serious about college. I didn’t take college that seriously.
Of course, I went to the same university as you, so you are absolutely right.
Even in a house like that, what and where did you belong to?
Oh, yes, but I was in biochemistry or something like that, so I heard it was all right. Well, then, and the base of my thinking is the theory of evolution, isn’t it? Darwin’s Basis. First of all, the theory of evolution is also a theory of evolution after all. Well, well, what remains. You want to say that what remains is what remains, right? Yes, yes.
Sweet or not, go ahead.
Please, please, please, it’s a bit of a mess, lol.
Oh no, it’s that thing. I’ve been doing pure mathematics for a year and a half now, and sometimes we have Zen-like conversations, not philosophical ones, but ones outside my field of expertise in logic, like when we talk about the division between living and non-living things. Well, I am also an amateur astronomer, but when something similar to the solar system is next to each other and tries to collide, but just barely avoids each other, it is not an organism, but it is optimized in some way, right? In a sense, it is evolution, but the form that has not been optimized is the one where the solar systems collide with each other outside of the solar system. There are two kinds of organisms: those that collided with each other in a scimitar bang and perished, and those that were lucky not to. But if you think about it, something that is not an animal is not an organism either. I have a feeling that maybe that’s how they survive. I’m a biologist, but what do you think about the idea that it’s a separate phenomenon?
Yes, yes, I agree with money. So I guess you could call it biological evolutionary mechanics. If we abstract entropy and the laws of physics further, things like circular motion and repulsion and attraction exist as laws of physics, and so, as concepts, there is also attraction and repulsion in relationships between people. I also think that the theory of evolution is based on the same concept.
Yes, that’s right. So, although it is convenient for pure mathematics, crazy people think everything is flat, so if you don’t think about it from the premise that there is not even a house, it is not very flat, but it is a little crazy that there is a universe and that only what happens in the universe happens. That’s a physical way of thinking, so if everything is flat, what is it? Since living organisms live in this way, then the economy should be the same way. I said that it would be interesting if I put a scalpel in there, or that it would be naive, but I didn’t say that because I didn’t want to offend the people in the biology field. I was not going to say anything that would offend biologists, but I did not say that. For example, I think it is the same with blockchain. We happen to be in the industry of mechanics, so I would say that there is a great dream of human science fiction, like a Karakuri doll. We are lucky to be praised by people who say, “Oh, you are in the industry that makes Doraemon,” so we have become a little big. I think it was the opposite of “dot-chi-chi”. I think it was the opposite of the point-chic type. So, even if you hear it over and over again, you still don’t understand the concept, but it’s a matter of discovering mathematics and society is just barely following you. So that’s where the power of mathematics is most likely to come into play, I think. I think that even if you fought a Harvard MBA, you would lose by a comfortable margin. I think that mathematicians are rather good at helping people. I like the idea of keeping things flat, and I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. I’m not sure what it’s called. Oh, this. Oh, I want to send out my desire for approval, but I see what you mean. I’m not talking about startups, but what is the desire for approval like for a company employee, or a post office worker, for example? I wonder if they are in a different position. Well, there are of course people who work because they don’t like their job and focus on their love for their wives and children, so that’s money. Yes, that’s true. I thought it would be interesting to see how one should think about such cases.
Laughs. Mr. Koike. Of course there are some cases, but I think we can categorize them in some way. Hmmm…
What kind of desire for approval are you talking about, like an instinct to live? A traitorousness. I think you probably know more about it than I do, since you are speaking from the premise that you have a mixture of these things. Something about Maslow’s desire for approval.
Oh, that’s right. Well, then, I wonder if there are several kinds of happiness.
I do a little. I don’t know if there should be a copyright problem. I don’t think so.
And if we relate it to the math of the screening process, I wonder if there is a hierarchy in our lives, or if things are hierarchical.
We are all hierarchical.
We are mathematical beings, and we have a history of migration, science, and biology. Well, you can do a DVD.
You’re talking about a player. I used to do that. That’s how I understand it. My understanding is like this. For example, sociology, which may be above sociology, law, and jurisprudence, and then there is economics, and then there is biotechnology. I am doing mathematics in the field of physics and mathematics in the field of science and science in the field of bio-science, and I am discovering and applying the layers of the mind here and there. I’m currently researching the tongue of purity and purity. I don’t know if there is such a thing as this tongue of logic in number theory or not. I’m not sure, but I’m looking into this area. I’m not sure if there is a logical tongue in number theory or not. So, I think there are layers here. I think there are various layers within physics, such as theoretical physics and applied physics.
So, in terms of approval, there’s biology, and then there’s mathematics. Just as mathematics is divided into several categories, there are several categories of overtones. The desire that all primitive organisms have in common. How about social? Sorry, I’m sorry. First of all, there is the primitive creature fishing, right? Yes, intelligence. As an organism that can foresee the future, it has a characteristic to run away from atoms, for example, if they are in a permeable tube, or to go to a bright block, or to go to an appropriate temperature, which I think is probably the prototype of happiness. When we are in a warm place, we feel safe, and when something cold comes, we run away from it. It’s that kind of desire for survival, and next comes intelligence. I think there is a desire to predict the future, and I wonder what this is. If my daughter sees a lion, she will predict that she will be killed. It’s a discovery of the law, isn’t it?
The opening is like Sherlock Holmes, lol.
Yes, yes, yes.
If it’s good, it’s strong.
Probably not. What is it with dogs and their predictions of the future? If a ball comes flying at you, you will avoid it because it will hit you.
If a ball with a silver color comes out, the foundation will automatically be made of tiles.
Yes, that’s right. Yes, that’s right. And when it becomes more advanced, it will learn that kind of thing. Well, they can discover the laws of the seasons of the year, and so on. It’s the basic story of being able to grow rice or make bread. So, it’s a kind of development of future prediction, a kind of discovery of the laws of the future. The other is social intelligence. In the context of sociality, I think there are wolves and ants and so on. They want to be connected to the group in a moderate way. They feel safe when they are in a group, especially ice.
A mass of ice.
The prototype of this concept is that fish feel safer if they are in a group in the sea, and they feel safer if they are in the middle of the group. Then the world of the boss monkeys developed, and they became the most powerful in the troop, and they were ranked in order of strength. There is the competitive nature of wanting to win in the herd, and then there is the principle of mutual aid. In the context of sociality, people are expected to help others if they help themselves in the herd. And there is basically nothing that only people have. When you think about the fact that people are also animals, it makes them happy. What do you mean by that? The reason why we came to feel happiness is because it was advantageous for our survival as an organism. So, I think there is a big link between physical survival, such as future intelligence, intelligence, and society, and what I mean by “desire for approval” is approval for happiness in the context of society. I think that the desire for approval refers to the approval of happiness in the social context, while the desire for intellectual safety and intellectual security is, to put it another way, the most fundamental. I think that in the context of current capitalist trends, we don’t need to be too conscious of this.
What you are saying is that there is no monetary economy or capitalist system that is optimized for the desire for approval.
I am not denying that it is safe, but I think it is a hint to expand the discussion, and I don’t think it might be only in Japan where the economy is stagnant.
I don’t think it’s just in Japan, where the economy is stagnant.
I think that countries like Southeast Asia, where the economy is booming, want capitalism to continue. If there is no other choice but to go on the offensive, I think it might be possible, but I also think that Japan feels that there is something wrong with it. If the situation is such that there is no choice but to go on the offensive, it may be healthy to reconsider the situation. I’ve been to Europe, so I’ve been on assignment there. I went to Sweden and Italy, and I felt something like that. No, that’s why I’ve given up on that kind of thing. In the case of Italy, the Roman Empire was the peak, followed by the Renaissance, and then the Medici family was gone. It’s like, “Oh, well…” I don’t know. Japanese people seem to think that it’s not good to be unexcited. I don’t think it’s just on TWITTER, but when I go to the countryside, I usually find a lot of people who are happy to go at their own pace.
I guess that’s just in TWITTER.
I guess that’s just in TWITTER. I think I’m a bit biased. I wonder if I’m not a little biased, or if I’m not looking at Twitter too much to see that the monetary economy is broken.
Yes, I think so. I think that’s true. I think that if you are running a business, or, well, you have already finished managing a capital stock company from your previous job, then, well, how can I put it? I talk with many people about investment, and I think that investors are highly aware of the issues involved in the abolition of the system. It seems expensive, doesn’t it? But when I talk about it in a completely different community, I find that the problems of capitalism are really the problems of a macho society. I think it is about 1% of the macho society that has a problem with capitalism.
This is where I need help from the biologists, and the mathematicians don’t understand it. After all, people are always talking for their own position and profit, aren’t they? So, if a person is aiming to be a prime minister, he might speak in that way. I don’t know. If he were to go public on Twitter, he would go to some academia and shout something like, “This is a bad way to do research. I think people who are in academia might say something like that, and their own interests come first, of course. I don’t think those people are wrong, but I think the meaning of “good money economy” is different for each person. Those who simply want to attack are probably doing just that. It’s hard to define. So, I think it’s important to decide on a target, and I don’t know what you mean when you say persona. I don’t know what you meant when you said “persona” earlier, but I was wondering what kind of currency would be best suited for a couple living in a nursing home or something. I think it would be easier to design if we narrowed down the scene and the story. So, it’s not like, “Who is it for?” It’s more like, “Who is it for?
Yes, yes. But I think it is evoked in the current Japanese society and in myself. Of course, there are other ideals that are more general in scope. But IMP is also overwhelmingly present in the business world of today’s Japanese society. In that country.
I wonder if there are people who come to the office who are challengers, or people who are quite conservative.
Yes, that’s right. Well, I think my philosophy is rooted in the Buddhist concept of knowing enough. I think that my philosophy is rooted in the Buddhist concept of knowing what is enough, and that in the end it is better to be happy if you are satisfied. It is not happiness to keep expanding one’s desires and fulfilling them, but to know that one’s desires are sufficient. Well, it is not a desire-oriented happiness. Yes, I feel it. Happiness is not found anywhere on the outside, it’s just a matter of where you feel it. If I just talk about this area, it will sound like we are all trying to achieve enlightenment, which I don’t think is the case.
I’m a Buddhist, but I’m not really religious. When I was living in Ebisu, there happened to be a temple café near Yagigasaki, which is a short walk from Daihanwa, where you can talk with monks. I went to Italy, so if I commented too much on Christianity as if I understood it, I would be scolded again, but I just wondered what it was. It’s easy to put good and evil together, isn’t it? For example, the idea of Christ’s love is a bit ambiguous, but it is the ultimate opposite of that, or rather, anything goes, and people are stupid. On the other hand, Christian people tend to be very black-and-white, what would you say? So, I think it comes out like a hierarchical relationship. Well, this is a difficult question, isn’t it? I don’t mean to make it into a religious theory. But I wonder if there are many districts like this. I think it’s like, “Well, which way should we design it? Is it a monetary economy for Buddhism? And, since there are many laws that appear in religions, it is not surprising that laws are made in such a way. So, it is possible that Buddhist countries and Christian countries have different structures. Hmmm.
I think that the reason why Christianity, Islam, and other continental religions are the way they are is because there are always infidels. In the midst of the battle against imports, there is always no end to the form that is always open to the outside world. Optimization in the form of openness is the principle of competition, isn’t it? Japan is an island nation with a closed society, and if you do something wrong, you are told to go back to your home country and ask for kaori. In the countryside, there are no such places where you can get ripped off. On the other hand, the fact that souvenir shops are full of rip-offs is a result of the influx of newcomers and whether or not they are closed. The other is that the world is still closed. If we say that it is closed because of globalization, the colonial period of the East India Company was an open period, and there is always a new place to go. I believe that those who win by creating a company win by expanding their resources. If this is closed, the cost of competition will be higher if the land and resources are limited, and the negative feedback from creating losers through competition will be more effective, so it is fundamental that the world, whether it is Japan, an island nation, or a mura (village) society, should be more like Japan. I think the trend in society will be in that direction. I personally think that is the trend in society.
Well, that’s not much of a scientific lecture, is it? I have lived in Europe and the U.S. for a little while, and I have also stayed in China for a long time, so I can compare the two. I can compare Japan, Asia, Europe, and the U.S., but I don’t know how to put it. For example, there are issues before religion, such as the fact that when Prince Shotoku and Himiko lived in Japan, it was called the “Land of Wa (harmony),” which means that they were super-Japanesque. That is the key word of our country. It is a language of beautiful harmony, like harmony, and I think the opposite of that is quite American, because we artificially created a country where there was no country. And only in that country, there is a possibility for a rich person to become the president. There are only a few countries, you know, like another NASDAQ or something, where immigrants share the market, and they don’t complain about it. In fact, the welcome more immigrants to come to the U.S. is the opposite of exclusion. The reason why we want them to come to the U.S. is because it fits with our shift. So, Europe is like the sum of two parts, and it is true that there was a time when Europe was booming. There was a time of boom and bust, but now it’s like they’ve given up halfway. It’s a little bit like a half-retired mode. A French friend of mine called it the “Hero is American concept,” but there is a part of her that says, “I don’t like it when people say ‘changetheout. China is a country I like a lot right now. The way the Communist Party is doing things is criticized, but I don’t mean that it’s good or bad. When I stayed in China for a long time, it was not like now. When you said you were going to build a road, people would come out with a bang, and so on. If you were building a system, it would really be completed the next month. It was like, “Oh, how fast they are. I experienced it firsthand, and I think the distortion of that experience is showing now. Well, I don’t think it’s all Communist’s fault. I don’t think it’s all Communist’s fault. So I think that’s fine. In the end, it’s good if you can get the best of both worlds. In the case of our industry, there is a tendency to aim for GAFA. But is GAFA suitable for us?
Well, yes.
Yes, it is. If Japan were like the U.S., where everything was in English and we ate hamburgers, then GAFA would be fine, but I don’t know. I guess so. Living in Kichijoji, there are many people who make movies. For example, there are French films that are made in France, and they continue to make French-like films without hesitation. I don’t think that’s good enough. I also feel that Japanese people should not abandon Japan. Yes, perhaps. So I think it would be good to invent something suitable for Japan, as you said before.
Yes, I think the technology is still in its infancy.
I think we have reached the limit of importing Western ideas, so it would be better to invent Japanese originals. I think it’s not possible to do it from the top down. I think this country is not capable of top-down action. I wonder if that’s the point. The structure after all.
Yes, that’s right. I wonder if it is possible to optimize it naturally.
I know I have a lot of time on my hands, but last year I wanted to meet with you about the civil war in Myanmar, and the year before last, when I was trying to build a pipeline to the National Assembly. There is a building called the Constitution Hall next to the National Diet Building. The Constitution of Japan is written on the wall, and I read it all. I was not good at civics and such, so I understood for the first time that the Constitution could not be changed, and that it was probably impossible because of the way it was structured, because it had to be passed by two-thirds of the House of Representatives and two-thirds of the House of Councillors, and then rewritten by a referendum with 51% of the votes cast.
So, maybe it.
is a game where you can’t create a modern system. Well, we are a defeated country after all. So, the idea that we should keep the peace, that we should fight other countries, don’t initiate It’s inscribed in the Constitution. It’s like an IOS. It’s like a country where the operation system is forbidden to be overridden. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If that is the case, it is difficult to make something modern and smart. However, Sweden, for example, is quite quick and easy to do so.
Yes, that’s right. So the basics are in Japanese.
It’s very difficult to make a modern and smart one. That’s why I think it’s important to try to make a basic Japanese version.
I don’t think Japan is a country where society changes under the leadership of the government, but I think the country is changing by reading the social atmosphere. It’s like preparing a new protocol. It’s like preparing a new protocol. That’s the way it’s changing. I have a feeling.
I don’t think the world in general will become more relaxed about this kind of thing if Japan becomes a bit worse off. The Japanese economy is doing fairly well right now. The Japanese economy is doing just fine.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Yes, it is. I don’t want to say it’s a problem, but everyone is happy, so I think it will be a little while before something fundamental changes.
I agree. I’m not sure about that. I have a feeling that it will be around 20 years from now.
I also think it will be 10 to 105 to 210 years from now.
I wonder what it will be like in 210 years from now. What is it? Society will change. For example, LGBT garments, etc., are very much a part of today’s society. It’s not because of the government’s action, or because of the active participation of such groups, but because of a feeling of empathy that people are trying to change society in this way. It may be an individual or an individual group, but the society has naturally become like that, and the legal system has also caught up with it. I think the legal system has caught up with that.
It’s all right. I’m fine.
The effect of the call-up for the World Cup in Brazil is really not good now, and it should be changed in this way. The direction should be changed this way. I think that if investors, consumers, managers, and even government officials start to think and act in this way, it will become a natural process. There is a great increase in the number of such books. There are various sustainable North Korean prime ministers, and there is a great increase in the number of books on the humanistic mindset and other topics. There are more and more people who are starting up their own “chi” (spirit) organizations, thinking that maybe we should change things in this way. Well, even those around me. I think that I will soon cross the threshold, and that’s why I am working on this project.
Yes, that’s right. So that kind of.
It’s complete.
Even if it’s 20 years after the gun, like a radical change, there’s still the Digital Agency. I think our country is going to do some kind of gradual experiment, so it might be good to overwrite everything, but I think we can come up with some interesting concepts.
I think we could come up with some interesting concepts.
I don’t know if it would completely change the entire population, but I don’t know what will come out of it, and something that is neither blockchain nor 8-door may fall from the sky. Yes, it is.
I think it’s a good thing that we’re not in the same situation as before. Yeah yeah yeah yeah imagine 20 years ago, I’m pretty sure the years are going to be a crapshoot.
Surprisingly, I like TWITTER. People have bad experiences with it, so I like people who say they don’t like it. Well, let’s say, you have a provisional view of the court, don’t you? Issues that had never been brought to court were quickly decided by a majority vote. The newspapers and TV stations also worked very hard. I think that the court cases are being held without spending a lot of money. So, although Elon Musk has been criticized quite a bit, I feel that Twitter has been in charge of that area as well. I think that Facebook is difficult to connect with nowadays. It’s only for friends. I don’t think it’s all great and perfect, but I do think it’s a trigger for something. I don’t think it’s all great and perfect, but I do think it triggers something. I think there is hope that some small social problem, discrimination, or resentment will become an issue, and that laws will be changed a little, or that a lawmaker will be born.
Yes, I think so. I’m borrowing it.
I borrowed it. I’m sorry, I’m just rambling on like I’m on the radio today, but I’m sure we’ll talk again on a regular basis. I hope we can do this again on a regular basis. I’d like to hear from you again on a regular basis. I don’t mind if it’s an advertisement, but yes.
I’m sorry, we talked about whatever we wanted today.
I thought it would be good for a late-night radio show like this.
I’m sorry, I’m sorry. So, if you are aware of these issues, if you feel empathy for the topics I talked about today. I think that this kind of conversation and topic will be born in various places, and it will become a big movement within the company, within projects, and within families. I hope that you will think about the state of capitalism and whether it would be good to create such a society. I am very happy to hear your thoughts.
You said, “I am very happy to hear that. I have already heard that you are going to create products with those you have shown us, and that is probably at the center of what you are thinking. I think you have a broad perspective in terms of what you can see because the economy is all around you. I am also working on my own mathematics in a rather geeky way, but this time, I would like to experiment with the future of the open house to see how society will look at it.
Thank you very much.